Why you want to hire a professional photographer - See how I edit client photos
This is about what happens after your photo session is over and I am sure many of you are curious. All your photos are taken in RAW format which contains all the possible details and flexibility we need to produce the best images. They are taken in to my external hard drive, then get backed up in remote drive.
Then my digital lab opens : ) I adjust color balance, contrasts, saturation and luminosity of each color balance them out. Then open them in Photoshop and enhance them further and sharpen them as needed.
Here are some before and after of actual client images.
before after
I think the process itself is really not that different from photographer to photographer, but how each one spends time according to their artistic vision and taste to create a great client gallery varies.
This home had abundant and even light, but still some adjustments made each image pop and bring your eyes to the right place in the photos.
Ready for your family photos?